Columbus: A Plant-Based Powerhouse of Vegan Eats

Columbus: A Plant-Based Powerhouse of Vegan Eats

It’s no secret that the ultra-hipster city of Columbus is a mecca of vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, dairy-free, you-name-it eats. Before we start into it, let’s get one thing straight: even if you don’t fit into any of these categories (ahem, me!) that doesn’t mean you won’t 

Spring is Light & Fresh at Brio Tuscan Grille

Spring is Light & Fresh at Brio Tuscan Grille

During the frigid winter months, I’m all about the comfort food. Give me pasta, bread, and the thickest and creamiest soups. Now that the weather is (slooooowly) starting to get a little warmer, my appetite for all things carb is waning away. My interest in 

The Best Food Flights Around Columbus

The Best Food Flights Around Columbus

I know Charmin was going for big things when they debuted the “Less is More” campaign, but let’s be honest. This is America. Bigger is better, we want more. Speaking of.. can anybody else say the phrase “we want more” without thinking of this girl? 

The Ten Columbus Patios You MUST Visit this Summer

The Ten Columbus Patios You MUST Visit this Summer

It’s the second week of March, and there’s snow on the ground. Most years, I wouldn’t be too upset. But I am upset. I am UNREASONABLY upset. We can blame those few warm days we had mid-February that really got our hopes up for an 

A Day Trip to Dublin: A Few of my Old (and New!) Favorite Stops

A Day Trip to Dublin: A Few of my Old (and New!) Favorite Stops

Nine times out of ten, if you hear me saying I’m taking a trip to Dublin (trip meaning 20 minute that means there’s a stop at Trader Joe’s involved. I live in Grandview and let me TELL you how sad it makes me that 

Local Foodie Find: Two Brother Bar and Kitchen in Columbus Marriott Northwest Hotel

Local Foodie Find: Two Brother Bar and Kitchen in Columbus Marriott Northwest Hotel

I just love Columbus. Sure, that might be a little easier to say after Saturday’s heartwarming football win against “That State Up North”, but I’d still love the ‘bus just the same if the game had ended differently! Although football is one of my favorite 

Little Eater Makes Its Home in Clintonville

Little Eater Makes Its Home in Clintonville

Guys. Clintonville is sorta kinda reallyy upping their food game lately. And I’m diggin’ it. A quick drive down High Street will take you past a mecca of Columbus original dining options. You can choose anything from burgers to phô to sushi to ice cream, 

All Things Veggie – Guide to New York City

All Things Veggie – Guide to New York City

I know New York City is most commonly known for lots of other things, but holy KALE is it also a veggie lover’s dream! Although I do eat meat, dairy, and pretty much anything someone would put in front of me, I decided to dedicate 

Plan your next evening on the Scioto at Nightlight 614!

Plan your next evening on the Scioto at Nightlight 614!

RAIN, RAIN, GO AWAY. At least I’d assume that’s what the folks over at Nightlight 614 are chanting to the sky every other Thursday night for the rest of the summer. What gives, Summer 2017?! We’re all just trying to enjoy a nice outdoor movie 

Wine Deals in Columbus for Every Day of the Week

Wine Deals in Columbus for Every Day of the Week

A few years ago, “wine tasting” to me would mean a fancy night in an expensive restaurant with a plethora of cheeses on a wooden board. Sure, there are plenty of spots in Columbus where you can go out and make this happen—who doesn’t enjoy