Tag: snack

Make the Easiest Cheese Board with a Platterful Charcuterie Kit

Make the Easiest Cheese Board with a Platterful Charcuterie Kit

When Platterful reached out to me about sending one of their charcuterie kits as a gift, I was so excited to try one and to have an easy and fast solution to a delicious appetizer (or meal LOL) for when I host guests. As most 

Vanilla Protein “Pro-Nut” Energy Bites

Vanilla Protein “Pro-Nut” Energy Bites

Happy Sunday! I thought I’d take a different approach to this post and instead of boring you all with another one of my stories leading up to a recipe, I’d like to talk a little bit about each ingredient that goes into these Vanilla Protein 

Crispy Sweet Potato Fries with Feta Dipping Sauce

Crispy Sweet Potato Fries with Feta Dipping Sauce

Fries Fries Fries Fries Fries! The above is a pretty accurate script of what’s going on in my mind when I’m supposed to be eating healthy. Chicken and veggies for a couple days in a row really makes a woman go crazy, am I right? 

Eat Your Beets & Love Them Too

Eat Your Beets & Love Them Too

4 Satisfying Ways to Eat Your Beets! “The first person who milked a cow must have been into some weird stuff” I came across this one-liner on Reddit last Tuesday, and after it gave me a solid 5-minute chuckle (it doesn’t take much) I got 

3 Places to Try Yoga in Columbus (and what to snack on after!)

3 Places to Try Yoga in Columbus (and what to snack on after!)

Whether you’ve been thinking about getting your Namaste on for the first time or you’re a seasoned yogi, there are plenty of yoga studio options in Columbus, Ohio to unroll your mat and get sweaty. I’ll be honest—when I first started going to yoga classes,